We’ve made the proposal editor even more intuitive when it comes to adding services and billing rules – so you can get proposals out the door and clients engaged faster.Build your proposals more efficiently by selecting the services you want to provide first, then easily configure your billing rules.
Proposals 3: Services and Billing (5 mins)
Adding services to a proposal
This step is where we add services to your proposal and define how they will be billed.
Interactive demo

Adding services
If you're adding services from scratch, click Add service → Select a service.
You can either use our list of example services, use your own services if you've uploaded them, or you can create your own on the fly!

Once you've selected your first service, select how you want to bill - either Recurring, One-off or a Deposit.
💡 Note: On Completion billing
When you select One-off, Ignition automatically defaults to On Completion billing (i.e. the system will generate a manual bill on the proposal's end date - displayed to the client as "Billed on completion").
If you want to bill On Acceptance of the proposal, you simply need to select One-off and then change the billing rule to start billing on Acceptance!

Next, you can continue adding services that will be billed the same way by clicking Add service.
Alternatively you can also add another service that will be billed a different way by clicking Add service type.
You can change the way a service type is billed by editing the Billing Rule to however you want to bill. Click here to learn more!

Once you have built out your services, you can also tweak the service descriptions, price type, quantity and specific price of the services offered.

Once you're finished with adding and editing all of the services needed for your proposal, it's time to breeze through the remaining four tabs of proposal creation! (Click to continue)
💡 Pro-tip: If you don't want to create the proposal from scratch, you can use our provided proposal templates which gives you real world "out of the box" proposals that you can edit and send to your client super quickly!