From XU Magazine, 
Issue 22

Are you ready for Year End Financial Reporting?

Year end reporting can seem like a huge task but with some forward planning it need not be so onerous. Not for profit reporting may differ from for profit reporting depending on your country’s regulations. Usually there is additional reporting that needs to be done for not for profit organisations in order to maintain their charitable status.
This article originated from the Xero blog. The XU Hub is an independent news and media platform - for Xero users, by Xero users. Any content, imagery and associated links below are directly from Xero and not produced by the XU Hub.
You can find the original post here:

Recently New Zealand changed their reporting standards and regulations. The External Reporting Board (XRB) has issued a new financial reporting standard: Service Performance Reporting (PBE FRS 48). From 1 January 2021, Tier 1 and Tier 2 charities will need to include non-financial information alongside the financial statements they file with Charities Services. Together, the financial and non-financial information is referred to as a Financial Report. Tier 3 and 4 charities are required to prepare a Statement of Service Performance as part of the Performance Report which contains non-financial information about outcomes and outputs.

Outcome: What the entity is seeking to achieve or influence through the delivery of goods or services, in terms of its impact on society. Example: To increase the native bird population by rehoming stray cats.

Output: The goods or services that the entity delivered during the year. Example: 100 cats were rehomed.

Non-financial information is important for accountability and decision making as well as telling the story of the charity.  In some cases, the non-financial information may be considered to be more important than the financial results.

The Service performance reporting content will be determined by your organisations objectives, mission, outputs (goals) or Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) that have been set and should provide readers with the information they need to get a full picture of what a charity has been able to achieve in the past year with the resources available to it.

This means you need to be planning now for next year’s reporting!

While readers will not all be in New Zealand, most other countries have similar regulations. Even if you do not need to report on outcomes and outputs it is still good practice to provide your board, and your members with this information in your AGM reports. Showing you are responsibly carrying out your mission may also encourage more donors to contribute to your cause.

How do you plan for next year’s reporting?

1. Identify why the charity exists, what it wants to achieve.

2. Identify how it wants to do this in a general sense. Example; Alleviate malnutrition among low income families by providing food parcels.

3. Identify what needs to be included in the report. Example; Number of food parcels delivered, Number of families receiving repeat parcels.

4. Plan how you will gather the information required.

Once you have identified what you need to record you will need to ensure you have a system in place to gather and store those details. A good CRM that integrates with Xero like infoodle is your best option. Xero and infoodle together will provide the financial and non financial reporting required.

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