We'd like to keep you updated on our latest releases. For detailed instructions on how to use the features of WorkGuru, please see our list of support articles (https://support.workguru.io/support/solutions). We update these articles regularly to stay up to date with the features of the application.
We are pleased to announce that our SuiteFiles integration is now up and running. We're still working on our documentation for this and hope to have it available soon. Please be aware only one file storage integration per tenant be used with WG.
- SuiteFiles is a document management system used mostly in accounting, law, and engineering firms. Connect to your SuiteFiles via out integrations page

- We can now import new users in bulk up to your subscription limit. This is to help with onboarding and bulk user updates

- Added a setting to mark quotes as issued once emailed
- Added ability to build quote from client custom prices via client details
Document Templates
- Landed Costs lines table has been added to PO docs
- Project Summary Template with additional Project fields has been added to our docs - Project - Summary
- We've added an additional Pivot Report "Quotes by Accepted/ Declined Date Summary Report" returning accepted/ declined quotes within a period
Trial Tenants
- Trial tenants can now automatically populate default demo data via the link on the trial banner
- Stock Dashboard page now available on the Mobile App
- Optimised the "All my Projects" Widget, vastly improving load speed
- Optimised emailed quotes displaying on Quotes Dashboard
- Added ability to use custom fields from project templates on recurring jobs
- Separated Dashboard Widget Loading from Log in loading resulting in faster login times
- Handled rate limiting when getting payments from Xero
- Optimisation made to Tanda integration page
Bug Fixes
- Fix in place for multiple tokens/ Xero tenants
- Bug fix for undoing ToDo items via Project Details page
WorkFlow Max
- Fixed WFM Contact mapping
- WIP Actuals/ Forecast fix in place for date mapping on saved versions
Quotes / Leads
- Fixed quote and lead dashboards not factoring in user permissions
- Fixes applied to Stock Movement History by product Id page
- Fixed bug for creating Project Groups in relation to selecting multiple assets